- Biographie
- Publication et recherche
Carolyn Barnett est docteure en sciences politiques à l’Université de Princeton aux Etats-Unis. Elle s’est passé l’année scolaire 2018-2019 au Maroc comme titulaire de la bourse Fulbright (échange éducatif marocain-américain). Sa recherche traite l’impacte sur les normes sociaux de la promotion des droits de femmes et l’égalité et la parité entre les sexes, aussi que les efforts pour l’autonomisation économiques des femmes et leur impact sur la participation féminine au marché du travail. Elle s’intéresse à l’intégration des méthodologies qualitative et quantitative, y compris les méthodologies expérimentales, dans l’investigation des phénomènes politiques et sociales.
Articles académiques
“Earned Income and Women’s Segmented Empowerment: Experimental Evidence from Jordan,” with Amaney Jamal and Steve L. Monroe, American Journal of Political Science (2020). https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12561
Review Essay: Paul Amar and Vijay Prashad, eds., Dispatches from the Arab Spring: Understanding the New Middle East (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 2013), in Middle East Law and Governance 7, no. 1 (2015): 169-179. https://doi.org/10.1163/18763375-00701010
“Socialization of Female Islamists: Paternal and Educational Influences,” Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 7 (2009): 57-87. https://doi.org/10.1163/156920809X449544
Rapports académiques et chapitres d’ouvrage
Algeria Five Years After the Arab Uprisings: Findings from the Arab Barometer. Arab Barometer (2017).
Morocco Five Years After the Arab Uprisings: Findings from the Arab Barometer. Arab Barometer (2017).
Human Capital and the Future of the Gulf. Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015).
Workforce Development in Tunisia and Jordan: Changing Attitudes Under New and Old Systems Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015).
“Egypt in the Region,” in Rocky Harbors: Taking Stock of the Middle East in 2015, ed. Jon B. Alterman. Center for Strategic and International Studies (2015): 79-94.
“Egypt: Fighting for Women’s Rights in the Aftermath of the Revolution.” Women Living Under Muslim Laws (2011).
Publication en cours
After Women’s Rights: The Consequences of Gender Equality Reforms. (Dissertation/Book Project)
A Handout for What? Political Consequences of the RAMED Health Insurance Program in Morocco. (Working Paper)
Social Policy Institutions and the Resource Curse. (Data collection complete)
Gender Research in Political Science Journals with Michael FitzGerald, Katie Krumbholz, Manika Lamba, and Kathleen Rogers. (Data collection in progress)
Decentralization and Women’s Political Inclusion in Morocco with Marwa Shalaby. (Data collection in progress)
Bureaucratic Loyalty in Political Crises: Theory and Experimental Evidence with Daniel Gibbs. (Data collection in progress)